Christophe Georges, 47, is president and chief executive of Bentley Motors in the Americas. He has held the role since 2007, and was previously the carmaker’s regional director for Europe. He is a keen skier, having taken part in races in his youth.
今年47岁的克里斯托弗•乔治斯(Christophe Georges)原是宾利汽车(Bentley Motors)欧洲区总裁,自2007年以来一直担任宾利汽车公司美洲区总裁兼首席运营官;他十分喜欢滑雪,年轻时代曾参加过各类滑雪比赛。
Jacket by Toni Sailer
上穿托尼•塞勒(Toni Sailer)外套
This jacket is both classic and highly functional, which makes it great for the variety of skiing that I do. Typically, I manage to spend two or three weeks a year skiing with my family during the holidays at Christmas, Easter and even in the summer, as we are able to ski on the glacier above Tignes, France, where I have an apartment. I like to dress appropriately for every occasion, whether that be a corporate meeting, dinner with Bentley owners or for a recreational event such as skiing.
托尼•塞勒(Toni Sailer)外套既高档又很实用,是本人参加滑雪运动的不二行头。通常说来,每年圣诞、复活节、甚至夏季,本人都会设法挤出2-3周时间,与家人一起去法国蒂涅(Tignes)的冰川地带滑雪休假。我在那儿有自己的房子。不管是公司会议、与宾利股东共进晚宴、还是滑雪休闲,我都希望穿规范得体的衣服。