
High oil prices are bringing risk back to Asia


High oil prices are bringing risk back to Asia


Will a prolonged spell of $70-a-barrel oil bring Asia’s high-flying economies crashing to earth and end the heady growth and low inflation in which many have basked for the past five years? To answer that question it is necessary first to pose another: why has the steep rise in oil prices since early 2002 had so little impact on the region so far?


At first glance, Asia’s resilience is puzzling. Efficiency and conservation measures prompted by the first two oil shocks have helped western economies weather this one. But most of Asia – apart from Japan, Hong Kong and Singapore – still guzzles oil. Indonesia consumes almost four times more per unit of economic output than the average industrialised country. Even much more advanced South Korea requires twice as much.


Until now, many Asian economies have been shielded from the full impact of high oil prices. Subsidies, price controls and low fuel taxes have kept them from feeding through to consumers. In countries that have not resorted to such measures, the inflationary effects of dearer oil have been offset by Chinese-led competition in manufactured goods, allowing central banks to keep interest rates low and monetary policies loose.


Meanwhile, abundant global liquidity and investors’ frenzied quest for returns have enabled countries with current account deficits to finance dearer oil imports through inflows of portfolio capital. In surplus countries, high savings ratios have softened the impact of the deterioration in the terms of trade caused by higher energy and commodities prices.


Weak market disciplines and price signals have driven up oil consumption and stunted incentives to increase efficiency. The upward spiral is unsustainable. At some point, the party has to end. Whether that point is reached at $70, $80 or $100 per barrel is unclear. But cracks are starting to appear in Asia’s more vulnerable economies.


Thailand, which depends exceptionally heavily on oil imports, has already paid the price. A growing fiscal burden and mounting trade deficit have forced it to scrap the fuel subsidies it unwisely introduced last year, further depressing demand in an economy battered by drought, tsunamis and lower tourism revenue.


In Indonesia, where subsidies devour as much as a third of the budget, government dithering over scrapping them is depriving the country of resources for desperately needed infrastructure investment. In India, oil price controls are bloating already large budget and current account deficits. And China, also a heavy subsidiser, has been forced to limit exports of refined oil in an effort to combat sudden petrol shortages.


In short, high oil prices are exposing bad policies and structural weaknesses that were masked during the boom years – just as the region’s economic crisis did in 1997. Although growth rates almost everywhere will be dented – except possibly in oil-exporting Malaysia – countries with poor economic management face the toughest adjustment.


The consequences are unlikely to be as severe as those of the 1997 crisis. Even $70 oil is not expected to plunge Asian economies into recession. Most are in much sounder financial shape than eight years ago. Overvalued fixed exchange rates have been abandoned, banking systems overhauled, short-term foreign debt cut drastically and, in most cases, tighter budget disciplines imposed.


However, as the post-crisis recovery gathered pace, it induced complacency. Not only has the region squandered energy, efforts to increase economic efficiency and reduce heavy dependence on export-led growth have stalled. Although some governments have sought to stimulate domestic demand, most have balked at the deep structural reforms needed to remove distortions and make markets more dynamic and flexible.


Perhaps the jolt of high oil prices will kick-start reforms. However, governments’ room for manoeuvre will be determined by two factors beyond their control. One is the future course of US monetary policy, which has been made much less clear by the devastation and spike in oil prices created by Hurricane Katrina.

二是美国的经济状况。卡特里娜飓风导致很多经济学家调低了对近期经济增长的预测。还有一个更大的担忧是,美国的房产泡沫会破灭,引起美国消费者大幅削减支出。鉴于亚洲其它国家严重依赖对中国的出口,而中国的大部分增长依赖对美出口,因此冲击波将传遍整个地区。正如摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)首席经济学家史蒂芬•罗奇(Stephen Roach)近期所指出的,全球化是把双刃剑:它在经济景气时广泛传播好处,但也会把冲击迅速传遍全球。

The second is the state of the US economy. Katrina has caused many economists to trim their near-term growth forecasts. A still bigger concern is that the US housing bubble will burst, causing American consumers to cut spending sharply. Given the rest of Asia’s heavy dependence on exports to China, which in turn relies for much of its growth on exports to the US, the shockwaves would spread throughout the region. As Stephen Roach, Morgan Stanley’s chief economist, recalled recently, globalisation works both ways: it spreads benefits widely in good times but it also transmits shocks rapidly around the world.


The probability of such a vicious circle developing can only be guessed at. But Asia’s economic prospects are today clouded by more and greater uncertainties than at any time since its 1997 crisis. After five years in which governments and markets seemed increasingly oblivious to risk, it is stalking the region again.

