In a televised response this weekend to Barack Obama’s announcement of sweeping changes in US policy towards Cuba, Raúl Castro was in no doubt who was the victor: “We won the war,” he said.
上周末,劳尔•卡斯特罗(Raúl Castro)就巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)宣布全面改变美国对古巴政策发表电视讲话,他在谁是胜利者的问题上毫不含糊:“我们赢得了这场战争。”
One week after the US president said he would open talks about establishing full diplomatic relations with the island nation and reopen its Havana embassy, many are asking the question: is the Cuban leader right?
Nicolás Maduro, president of Venezuela, Cuba’s closest regional ally, certainly thinks so. “It’s a victory for Fidel,” he said of the US plan to ease trade sanctions and, ultimately, end Washington’s more than half-century embargo against Havana.
古巴最亲密的地区盟友——委内瑞拉的总统尼古拉斯•马杜罗(Nicolás Maduro)肯定这么想。在谈及美国计划放宽贸易制裁、最终结束对古巴长达半个多世纪的禁运时,他称:“这是菲德尔(指菲德尔•卡斯特罗——译者注)的胜利。”
Ironically, many of Mr Castro’s harshest critics feel the same, as the new policy comes without any Cuban quid pro quo. “For me, there is no doubt that this is a total political triumph for the Cuban dictatorship,” wrote Carlos Alberto Montaner, a distinguished Cuban-American columnist.
具有讽刺意味的是,很多对卡斯特罗最严厉的批评人士也这样认为,因为这一新政策并没有附加任何交换条件。知名的古巴裔美国专栏作家卡洛斯•阿尔贝托•蒙塔内尔(Carlos Alberto Montaner)称:“在我看来,这无疑完全是古巴独裁政权的政治胜利。”
Marco Rubio, a Cuban-American Republican senator, commented: “What the [US] president has done is give away much of the leverage in exchange for zero.”
古巴裔美国共和党参议员马可•鲁比奥(Marco Rubio)评论称:“总统所做的,是放弃极大的优势,却什么都没换来。”