The shooting by police of striking miners at Lonmin’s Marikana mine highlights the socioeconomic challenge all South African mining companies face as they cut costs to remain profitable. Producers of platinum also have to cope with overcapacity amid a glut, a weak European motor industry, soaring labour costs and rising energy prices. Lonmin was merely the latest miner to be hit by a strike after Impala Platinum emerged from six weeks of disruption. Although the strike at Lonmin ended yesterday, the damage could exacerbate the London-listed miner’s financial problems.
Lonmin在南非马里卡纳(Marikana)矿区的罢工矿工遭警方枪击,突显了南非所有矿业公司面临的社会经济挑战,这些企业为保持盈利而削减成本。铂金生产商们还不得不应对产品积压情况下的产能过剩、疲软的欧洲汽车业、飙升的劳动力成本以及能源价格的上涨。Lonmin不过是自因帕拉铂金(Impala Platinum)告别为期6周的停产后,最新一家遭遇罢工的矿商。虽然Lonmin的罢工已于周一结束,但其损害可能会加剧这家伦敦上市矿商的财务问题。