“Tradition”. That was Ben Bernanke’s succinct reply recently when asked why central bankers continue to hold so much gold even while insisting that it is not money. Now, after a decade in which official gold reserves shrank continuously – outpacing growth in exchange traded funds nearly twofold – there may be a change in the air. Central banks made the largest purchases of gold in decades in the past quarter, says the World Gold Council.
“习惯使然。”最近,在被问到为何央行官员们一边坚称黄金不是货币,一边又继续持有这么多黄金时,本•伯南克(Ben Bernanke)做出了如此简洁的回答。在过去十年里,官方黄金储备持续减少——其缩减速度接近交易所交易基金(ETF)黄金购买增速的两倍——如今,情况可能有所变化。世界黄金协会(WGC)表示,上一个季度,全球央行的黄金购买量达到近几十年来的最高值。