Which European politician said in July that his country was “suffering from 50 years of lax immigration rules that have led to a failure of integration”? Was it Geert Wilders, the Dutch anti-Islamic populist? Was it Umberto Bossi, leader of Italy’s Northern League? Perhaps it was Thilo Sarrazin, the Social Democrat who appears likely to be dismissed from the board of Germany’s Bundesbank for making provocative remarks about immigrants?
是哪位欧洲政客在7月份声称,他的国家“松懈的移民政策已持续了50年,使得社会融合陷入了失败的境地”?是荷兰反伊斯兰的民粹主义者海尔特•威尔德斯(Geert Wilders)?还是意大利“北方联盟”(Northern League)党魁翁贝托•博西(Umberto Bossi)?抑或是可能会因自己在移民问题上的煽动性言论、而被逐出德国央行董事会的德国社会民主党成员蒂洛•萨拉辛(Thilo Sarrazin)?
Actually, the speaker in question was Nicolas Sarkozy. But the fact that the French president’s comments could just as easily have come from the lips of prominent public figures in Germany, Italy and the Netherlands illustrates how a culturally defensive approach to immigration is shared across a significant part of the western European political spectrum, not to mention society at large.
事实上,说这话的人是法国总统尼古拉•萨科齐(Nicolas Sarkozy)。但上述三位著名公众人物的口中也时常冒出类似言论的事实表明,西欧政界相当一部分人士都对移民持有一种文化上戒备的态度,更不用说普通民众了。
It is a mood that, over the past 12 months, has caused Swiss citizens to vote for a ban on the construction of minarets. It has prompted the governments of France and Belgium to take steps to prohibit the wearing of face-covering veils. It has encouraged the French state to launch a crackdown on Roma migrants, following on the heels of a similar initiative in Italy.